Explore Bells Up Studio Programs

Guided Video Programs

Bells Up Studio:
On Demand Strength

Bells Up Studio on demand gives you access to a full library of strength and conditioning classes that follow a plan, so you aren’t left to choose where to start or finish. We program strength classes in a progressive format (each builds upon the last), which not only removes all guesswork, but allows you to get stronger through repetition.

About Our Classes

All mixed-level strength classes are delivered by video and written document, with complete instructions for completion, equipment recommendations and intended intensity.

Written programs are grouped by levels and last an average of 40 minutes. Most classes within a program follow a 3-4 days-per-week cadence, leaving room for Bells Up Studio conditioning classes and/or activities of your choice outside of strength training.

You can start with any program, including our current video-led program series if you have experience with kettlebells. No matter where you start, we recommend following our intended order from that point on (although you can do any program at any time, we highly encourage following the intended order).

All strength classes include a final optional “test” to provide a progress measure from program to program.